
Welcome! I’m Corky (& that’s Larry) This is where I share my thoughts, mostly about our travels but occasionally about some other things. If you’ve been following you know by now that I’m better at storytelling than I am at technology.  It appears that website housekeeping….once I figure out how to get one up and running….is harder online than in “real life”.  But it’s something I will to conquer.  Please be patient; my posts will somehow get organized and eventually the photographs that go along with our adventures will appear after each post.
Unfortunately I’ve left the organization until just before our departure for London and the Baltic so this is likely to be a mess for a bit.  In the meantime, thanks to my son’s suggestion, although my personal Facebook page is private (so absurdly private I lied about my birth year and accidentally made myself 81 years old!), Travel Reports for the upcoming trip will appear on Facebook under the name, “Corky Travels”….as if “Travels” were a last name.  They wouldn’t let me establish a Username.

More to come about who we are, a couple of folks who love each other & love to travel, where we live, Maui, Hawai’i, where we’ve been, and what we’ve done with our lives.  But, for now, Aloha!